Power BI – What new features has Microsoft given us in July 2022

By Luke Sisley, Senior Business Intelligence Analyst, CSL

Power BI Update

With another month comes another power BI update, and since the latest one came out on the 14th July, our experts have now had time to work with the latest features. Keep reading for a quick summary of some of the features we found most interesting this month. 

Error bars - generally available with added functionality

Error bars were released into preview in June, but July makes them generally available, and with additional functionality. It is now possible enable data labels for bounds based on standard deviation, percentage or percentile, enhancing the user’s ability to visualise statistical analysis in Power BI.

Image source: Microsoft Power BI update July 2022

The addition of NETWORKDAYS DAX function

The July update also brings with it the addition of a new DAX function: NETWORKDAYS. This function will return the number of whole working days between two dates. The function is customisable and allows you to set a weekend and specify holidays, providing users with a simple method of approaching a common task.  
Read more about this function in Microsoft’s documentation.

Introduction of Data in Space

Data in Space is a feature of the Power BI mobile application that enables Power BI outputs to be linked to real-world locations, accessible to local users via augmented reality on the mobile device. This has very exciting implications for the visualisation of data with a geographic dimension. For example, sales performance for a specific GP surgery could be geographically pinned to the location, so a sales rep could check that data when on-site.

Image source: Microsoft Data in Space Overview. Data in space overview – Power BI | Microsoft Docs

To Wrap It Up

That wraps up our summary on three of the interesting new features delivered with this update. You can find the full summary here.

For support in getting the most out of Power BI, please call us on 01483 528302 or email info@csl-uk.com, or read more about how our Power BI experts can support you here.


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